(Life has been busy, and I have not blogged in many months. Our school has switched to the Common Core Standards and Understanding By Design lesson plans. I am also back in school, but enough excuses!)
I am trying to develop meaningful and authentic experiences of using Web 2.0 tools for my students. My principal introduced me to Audioboo. Audioboo allows my students to make an audio recording which I can link to our first grade Twitter account. For the past few days we have recorded daily highlights. At the end of the day my students tell me what they felt was the best part of the day or something interesting that they learned. We compose a message together, and then one student creates an Audioboo. I invited our parents to follow us on Twitter and to comment on our “boos”. I want my students to see how their ideas elicit responses from others. While we have only been “booing” for three days, we have not received any twitter comments. I want to have my students create more interactive boos which will engage their audience and create response.
I also think that after a little more modeling I will turn the process over to the students. Perhaps I will have once person direct the conversation, another person write the “boo”, and a third person record the boo. This will give the student’s more ownership over the process. I am looking forward to see how this experience helps us to grow as readers, writers and speakers. I'll let you know!
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